
Cyclomaniacs was a 3 game series produced with Longanimals games, between 2009 and 2011. All three games were made entirely in flash and were a massive hit for the the main sponsor Kongregate. The game was a side scrolling racing game with a series of rather crazy pop culuture characters. Each game had around 20 levels and environments to complete and a number of mini games. It roughly contained 10 hours of gameplay in each game.

gameplays on kongregate
Average rating of 4.5 on kongregate

total gameplays

Awards Won

For this game I was responsible for all of the artwork from characters, animation, UI and background artwork. I also contributed to the game design, playtesting and level design. The artwork for Cyclomaniacs was produced mainly from sketches and then vectiorised using either tracing or through the package Vector Magic. This was quite a fun way to work as it meant I could take the sketchbook with me and design pretty much anywhere, then scan it and redraw using Flash and a wacom tablet.

The gallery below shows a selection of the original sketches which were used for the artwork.